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Valencia NASCAR Fest 2019


Circuit Ricardo Tormo celebrates the sixth edition of the Valencia NASCAR Fest on April 13th and 14th. The American racing festival of Cheste.

In 2019 the Valencia NASCAR is the best opportunity for the whole family to enjoy a lot of activities on and off the track, a wide range of leisure and fun for children and adults.Kids free access (under 13)


Whelen NASCAR Euroseries will race in 8 European circuits with 16 rounds. In recent years the Euro NASCAR has been consolidated among touring car races. Now it’s one of the best motorsports series away from North America.

The 2019 NASCAR calendar includes races in Spain, Italy, Great Britain, France, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany and BelgiumTICKETSVIP SUITES (comming soon)Drivers as Alon Day, Borja García and Ander Vilariño have been able to win races at Circuit Ricardo Tormo. The NASCAR races have always shown maximum equality and a lot of contact in the events held in Cheste. Each day, both on Saturday and Sunday, two races one of the pilots ELITE 1 and one of the Elite 2 among those who has highlighted in recent years the Valencian Carmen Boix.

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