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UPV students design Valencia Circuit run off areas


Comunitat Valenciana Ricardo Tormo Circuit will bedeck run off areas of the track with oranges stripes as for the Speed Offset proposal, the winner of the contest of the Master’s Degree in Engineering Design students at UPV  Design Engineering School.

Thirteen teams of students presented various proposals with several designs that decorated some of the most representative points of Cheste’s layout as the Doohan turn, or the circuit first and last turn.

Speed Offset

Five of these works have received awards. The winning design was the work of Speed Offset, while the other winners, in order, were: Dynaway, In Motion, Fast Rice and a Tour of Valencia.

Gobert Minton y Felsberg
Gonzalo Gobert, David Minton and Christiane Felsberg

The team that designed Speed Offset is formed by the German Christiane Felsberg, Bulgarian Milena Valkova, the Taiwanese Sha Luo and Valencian David Minton, who explained that the result of their work is inspired by “the different nature structures, from the waves, to the shapes of the leaves, which led us to seek an abstraction of these natural elements to use them as a pattern and try to reflect the feeling of speed at the circuit”.

Orange stripes

One of the most valued selection criteria in choosing it is the simplicity both in the application and maintenance. Speed Offset means, according to the designers, “printing on a single ink speed, a succession of lines adapted to the run off areas which appear and disappear as you walk the track. Acceleration, speed, emotion… Sensations that will be printed in the five run off areas of the Circuit “The work painted in these areas will take place during the track maintenance days this July.

All students who took part in this contest will be invited by the Circuit to attend the Grand Motul Prix of Valencia in which around 100,000 people on site and more than 300 million through television will see the winning design in run off areas Cheste circuit.

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