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– Regarding quality management systems. Certified according to the ISO 9001:2008 evaluation standard for Sports Management and Promotion. Organization and Management of Events and Road Training – In terms of environmental management, the Certificate according to the ISO 14001:2004 evaluation standard for Sports Management and Promotion. Organization and Management of Events and Road Training – In terms of Road Safety Management Systems, the Certificate according to the ISO 39001:2013 evaluation standard for Sports Management and Promotion. Organization and Management of Events and Road Training

Integrated Policy

Download the pdf document of the integrated policy.

Emergency Management Policy Circuit Ricardo Tormo

Download the pdf document of the Ricardo Tormo Circuit Emergency Management Policy

Devolución entradas compradas en taquilla

Rellena todos los campos del formulario para poder realizar tu solicitud de devolución, recuerda tener a mano el localizador de la compra y las entradas físicas para poder digitalizarlas y enviarlas.

  • La devolución será UNICAMENTE de las entradas que se adjunte en las imágenes cargadas.
  • El importe será devuelto en la cuenta bancaria que se indique en el formulario adjunto.

Fill in the fields to request a refund. Remember to have the purchase reference and the image of the tickets to be able to send them.

The refund will ONLY be for the tickets you upload in the images.
The amount will be refunded to the bank account you indicate in the form.

* Los formatos admitidos para la carga de las capturas de las entradas son jpg, png y pdf / The supported formats for uploading screenshots of tickets are jpg, png and pdf.

Devolución entradas digitales

Rellena todos los campos del formulario para poder realizar tu solicitud de devolución, recuerda tener a mano la eferencia de la compra que encontrarás en las entradas.

  • La devolución será integra de todas las entradas que componen la compra, no es posible la devolución parcial.

Fill in the fields on the form to request your refund, remember to have the purchase reference, which you will find on the tickets.

The refund will be for all the tickets that make up the purchase, partial refunds are not possible.
The amount will be refunded to the card/account with which the payment was made.

Inscripciones e información

Resum de la privadesa

Aquest lloc web utilitza galetes per tal de proporcionar-vos la millor experiència d’usuari possible. La informació de les galetes s’emmagatzema al navegador i realitza funcions com ara reconèixer-vos quan torneu a la pàgina web i ajuda a l'equip a comprendre quines seccions del lloc web us semblen més interessants i útils.